LHIF has 65 international NGO members who are working throughout Lebanon to deliver assistance and support the needs of all vulnerable populations in Lebanon, including Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians, and migrant populations. The work of LHIF members covers all sectors, including Health, Food Security, Basic Assistance, Shelter, Education, Livelihoods, Social Stability, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, Protection, Child Protection, and Sexual & Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). Many LHIF members are also implementing longer-term development programs. Our members work closely with the communities they serve, national and local civil society, municipalities, the Ministry of Social Affairs, and line ministries such as the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Energy & Water, Ministry of Environment, and Ministry of Economy & Trade. LHIF members work in partnership with local and national NGOs and collectively employ over 4,000 Lebanese citizens.


What is an “international humanitarian NGO”?

A core element of civil society, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are organizations that are neither part of a government nor for-profit businesses. International NGOs are NGOs that are international in scope and have offices and programs around the world. Humanitarian NGOs provide life-saving services and facilitate the return to normalcy for communities affected by conflict and natural disasters, and are guided by the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence.